Like the man says, it’s me, Marc Hershon. And I’m to be your host and 100% recyclable container for Epi132 of Succotash, the Comedy Podcast Podcast. This is actually an edition of Succotash Chats, the variety of where we feature a conversation instead of clips, and this time around our Special Guest is Danny Lobell.
Danny is a comedian and also the host of the Modern Day Philosophers podcast. He interviews comedians but It’s a nice twist on the typical talker, because once they cover some of the usual ground in an interview, Danny reveals a philosopher that’s been selected for each particular guest.
He and the guest then learn about the philosopher at the same time — Danny keeps himself from knowing who they’re going to talk about by having his producer, Alex Fossella, select the philosopher and information about them.
He’s had some terrific guests since the show’s been on — people like Carl Reiner, Bill Burr,Jackie Mason, Maria Bamford, and Lewis Black. This past week he interviewed Brian Regan, who I’m a big fan of, and so I thought it would be fun to talk to Danny about that experience, how he came up with the concept for Modern Day Philosophers, and stuff like that.
We play a couple of clips from his chat with Regan, but you’re probably going to want to grab the whole interview, which you can do at A DOUBLE DOSE O' DURST
In addition to this episode’s Chat, we have TWO segments of our Burst O’ Durst with political comedian & social commentator Will Durst, as well as some original tunage from our friend Abner Serd, a dip into the Tweetsack and the whole thing is brought to you by Henderson's Fancy Pants for Fops. Thanks again to our special guest, Danny Lobell. And thank to YOU. Yes, YOU. For downloading or streaming this episode. Appreciate all you do but we’d love you even more if you’ll visit our homesite,, and click on our Donate button to give us some of your delicious money to help us keep things podcasty. Barring that, you can click on the Amazon banner at the top of the page and do your shopping there that way, which kicks us back a little something. Or avail yourself of our fine merchandise in the Succotashery. If all of those options are somehow beyond you, at the very least, please remember to PLEASE pass the Succotash!
Oh, jeez, here I am. Marc Hershon, your host and artificial sweetener for Epi131 of Succotash, the Comedy Podcast Podcast. This is another edition of Succotash Clips, and we have a whole passel of comedy podcast clippage for you.
When I say “we” I mostly mean me because I’m the only one typing up this blog entry. But I also include our booth announcer Bill Heywatt, whom you heard at the top of the show, our Engineer/Producer Joe Paulino, our booth assistant Kenny Durgis, and our delightful Associate Producer Tyson Saner, who discovered and harvested several of the selections you’ll be hearing. And I also include those comedy podcasters who got their clips to us themselves.
Yes, that’s right. If you want to get a clip of your show on our show, and you’re tired of waiting around for either Tyson or me to find you, you can upload a 3-5 minute MP3 clip directly to Succotash by going to and following the simple instructions.
Fifth Annual Los Angeles Podcast Festival
I got my super early bird 3-day pass for this year’s 5th Annual Los Angeles Podcast Festival. It’s toward the end of September – the 23rd thru the 25th. That pass was just 99 bucks and I just checked – ALL the early bird passes are sold out so if you’re going to go, you’re going to be paying full freight. You can get a one day pass or got for all three days. Check out the ticket sitch at I’m trying to see if they’ll let me run a panel or be a guest on a panel or even do a live Succotash episode from the festival. We’ll see. At the very least, I’ll go prepared to hold down my usual corner of the Podcast Lab. In This Episode
Most of clips we have loaded up for this show are from podcasts we’ve not featured before, but there are a couple of familiar faces…or voices, rather. We have snippets from the Cue Plot Device podcast, The Language of Bromance, the Mt. Rushmore podcast, Poop Culture, the SeeSo SeeShow, the ShePod podcast, Sup Doc, This Freakin’ Show, This Is A Podcast and The Unoriginal Podcast.
In addition to the clips, we have a double dose of our Burst O’ Durst segment with political comedian and social commentator Will Durst. Plus another musical piece by Tyson made up by cobbling together audio from the How Did This Get Made? podcast called “Dance Mr. Boogaloo.” (Other selection by Tyson can be found on his SoundCloud page.)There is a pile of things to read in the ol’ TweetSack. And, in honor of Elon Musk’s most recent Space X private rocket launch and landing, this episode of Succotash Clips is brought to you by Henderson’s Space Pants.
Shepod I think Succotash is beginning to collapse under the sheer weight of podcasts. It’s crazy how many new shows are flocking out of Podcastland. And not so old shows. I’ve recently become acquainted with a show called The Shepod: Brunch with Rachel and Sara (not the bible ones) and it just passed it Epi50 mark without me noticing it until now. The show features two women who aren’t comedians per se, but they are funny as hell – Rachel King and Sara Tenenbein. The latter is some kind of marketing consultant and the former works as a writer and some other kind of consultant.
Sup Doc Tyson snipped us from Sup Doc, a podcast about documentaries and the documentarians who make them. From Epi26, which I mentioned a few weeks back on and the Huffington Post, we have part of a conversation with Sup Doc co-host Paco Romane and guest Todd Glass, a very funny comedian and podcaster whom I interviewed during last year’s LA Podfest. The subject of the episode was Bill Maher’s Religulous doc from 2008, all about the craziness of the worlds’ religions.
Cue Plot Device Next up is a podcast which I never knew about until they were kind enough to start retweeting some of our stuff a few months back. Often times that’s enough to get our attention so I went to check out Cue Plot Device. It’s hosted by four guys: Dr. G, Yosh the Scientist, The Captain, and Chief — not their real names, I assume. This show falls into the Nerd category, I think, because they cover such things as “cartoons, comics, video games, movies, tv-shows, card games, board games, and much, much more”, according to their homesite. But one of their segments focuses on their title’s subject: Plot devices. Here they delve into Season 2 of Netflix’s Daredevil series.
SeeSo SeeShow We’re going to go a little meta here. We have clipped and talked about the SeeSo SeeShow podcast a few times previously, hosted by Andrew Stevens. It’s an independent podcast that cleaves very closely, nonetheless, to the relatively new SeeSo streaming comedy channel. In his fourth episode, Steven himself clips an interview with Community creator Dan Harmon which was done on the 100th episode of the Innovation Crush podcast last October.So we're clipping a clip that was clipped for another show. In that episode, Harmon talked at length about the “story circle” technique of story writing.
Mt. Rushmore We stick with the musical theme for a bit, by way of a clip uploaded directly to us by the guys over at the Mt. Rushmore podcast. According to their homesite, the show features Michael Winfield and Richard Manfredi who argue a lot. Their arguments revolve around what they call the "Mt. Rushmores of Life" — the four things that best represent any particular category. Such as the Mt. Rushmores of Kids’ Cereals. Or the Mt. Rushmores of Fictional Presidents. They then present those arguments to Jeff Hopkins, a comedian, judge and jury, who then passes judgement. The clip that they uploaded to us is from their Epi4: The Mt. Rushmores of One and Done Albums.
Then here is where I started to get a tad "ranty"…
The Language of Bromance There’s a whole swath of podcasts out there in Podcastland helmed by people that really aren’t looking for personal fame, which you can tell because they don’t use their last names. Of course, it could just be because they don’t want anyone at work — or their parents — to find out. I’m not sure what the case is for Richard and Bruce, the hosts of a show called The Language of Bromance, but they have 93 episodes out there on the podwaves so it’s obviously a serious enough endeavor. (Come on, guys! What are your last names? Drop me an email or a direct message on Twitter and we’ll reveal the information in the next Tweetsack segment.) I’ve got a chunk from their Epi92, entitled "Bros At The Zoo". In this clip they’ve been ruminating about what it would be like if animals came to look at people in what they’re calling a human zoo.
Then I got even rantier…
This Freakin’ Show Our next show, scooped up by Tyson, is ANOTHER show featuring semi-anonymous hosts. I don’t know why I’ve got a thing aobut this so much this week. People can do what they want. But to me it smacks of the Millenial thing of being anonymous on the internet. Saying shit but not being visible enough for anyone to knock you down for it. That’s not saying that the hosts of This Freakin’ Show are talking shit about anyone. That’s just the name of their podcast. Awesome. By way of thei homesite, the hosts are Travis-T, a Divinity student; Awkward Colin, a Navy veteran; and Geek Show Joe, a podcaster and graduate student. Their thing is the usual territories of chatfest shows: current events, pop culture and then, in the miscellaneous column, “shenanigans that tickle our fancies.” (That must have been written by the graduate student.) And they put their own spin on the commentary which, in this clip, revolves around which — in the wake of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice — has them asking each other which DC Comics characters would they like to see made into a movie. But then I finally give up…
Poop Culture Podcast Okay, okay. I’m going to give up obsessing on this “no one wants to use their own name” thing. It’s kind of like radio back in the day, when all the on-air personalities had made-up names like Wolfman Jack, Jocko Henderson, and Kid Leo. I guess this is the podcast trend, at least for hosts that aren’t famous comedians or whatever. So let the slack-cutting begin with the Poop Culture Podcast! The hosts are the Boobie Brothers and Mancrush. Clearly their pseudonyms haven’t kept them from getting decent guests on the show. A few episodes back they talked at length to Lloyd Kaufman, the man, the myth and the legend behind Troma Films.
This Is A Podcast Another selection from Tyson Saner’s bushel basket full of clips comes from a show with the blatant title, This Is A Podcast. Interestingly, there is a second show called This Is A Podcast show listed on iTunes but don’t be fooled – the last episode for THAT show was in September of last year. (Another few months without a fresh installment and that show will be eligible for the Podcast Graveyard segment…) But THIS version of This Is A Podcast, hosted by Thomas Allie and Kristi Diaz, who are described as “20-something young lovers” on the Stitcher website, say that they poke fun at the of the world in a way that most wouldn’t.
The Unoriginal Podcast The next clip comes from a show that’s begun passing the Succotash, meaning retweeting our Succotash tweets on Twitter and we love that. It’s called the Unoriginal Podcast, which is very honest but not very original, as it turns out, because there’s The Original Unoriginal Podcast, as it’s called but which stopped putting out new ‘sodes back in 2012. (A definite candidate for the Podcast Graveyard. If we only had the time this week we’d do it. Next time…) Anyway, THIS Unoriginal Podcast hails from Ireland and features Ciara, Dayo, and Fredi. They’re only five episodes in and don’t seem to have a proper homesite yet. This slice is from their Epi4, entitled, “The One with The Shenanigans?" There’s that word again. What’s the deal with “shenanigans”? Before I sign off, I iwanted to kindly suggest you visit our homesite at and help to keep us in business by clicking on the Donate button there and tossing us a few bones. Or use the Amazon banner at the top of that same page next tim eyou want to buy something from Amazon – we get a li’l taste of that. Or buy some of our merch from the Succotashery.
Other than those things, I got nuthin’. Except this: Please remember to pass the Succotash! — Marc Hershon