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Grover, spotted being Muppetnapped on I-5 |
If you're going to miss an episode of Succotash, this would be one to take a pass on. There are no clips, no interviews, no Henderson's Pants ads, no TweetSack, no Top 10 Most Active Show in Stitcher's Top 100 Comedy Podcast List…in short, none of the usual features that you most likely know the show from. Well, that's not exactly true. I do finish off this halfisode with an extra Burst O' Durst with comedian Will Durst that I had hanging around.
If this is your first taste of Succotash, God help you. This is NOT representative of what we normally do. But it IS representative of what I do when I'm driving long distances and that is: Talk to myself. Or, as you have here, talk to you, the listener.
In this halfisode I ramble on about a number of topis, most of which are about podcasting although the longest stretch is all about what I did and who I saw while I was in Los Angeles for the better part of a week. Some of the folks I saw are podcasters – Rick Overton, Matt Weinhold, Phil Leirness, Dean Haglund. While some of the others (including the previously named) have been guests on past episodes of Succotash – Dana Carvey, Tom Carvey, Frank Cronin, Jon Manfrellotti.
I'm also introducing a new offering with this show: The chance to get your helping of Succotash before anyone else!
That's right. I'm experimenting with a new site and service called ConnectPal that allows you to create a subscription model for just about anything you can distribute on the web. So, for just TWO BUCKS a months (plus a 76¢ service charge), you'll be able to stream or download each epi of Succotash two days before I put it up on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud and anywhere else on the internet. So just click on the ConnectPal link in this paragraph and toss us a couple of bucks to get us first!
So that's about it for the rundown on Halfisode 87.5. This is just a little (40 minute) ramble to tide you over until fullsize Epi88, which will be up within the week!
Until next time, please remember to pass the Succotash!
— Marc Hershon
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