On tap this week we’ll be featuring The Bernie Sanders Show, Casa Mirth, Center City Comedy, The Chillpak Hollywood Hour, Crash On Your Couch, Guys We F****d, Human Echoes Podcast, and Teen Creeps.

In addition, we have a lovely little shoutout from the boys over at The Anti Social Show, Tyson Saner and Hunter Block. As many of you know, Tyson is also THIS show’s Associate Producer – in fact, he harvested almost all the clips for this episode – so having him sing our praises is a little like the lavish praise that gets passed around the White House these days from Trump to Trump. But I’ll take it!
We also have a couple of Bursts O’ Durst from our resident political comedian Will Durst. We also have a political song later this episode performed by Not The Presidents of The USA, courtesy of Tommy Royal, late of The Royal and Doodall Show. Plus this episode is being brought to you by Henderson Pants’ new Scavenger Slax!
We are now six years into this mess I call Succotash and it’s incredible how many soundcasts have not only come and gone but how many shows there are currently clogging the soundwaves. My god. If we put out three shows a week I don’t think we could keep up with all of the content being generated these days. But we’ll keep on it, playing clips from shows both new and old, to give you a taste of what’s out there. And I thank you for downloading or streaming us, however you like listening, and whatever other support you can lend is also greatly appreciated.
Money can be tight, but it doesn’t cost anything but a few minutes of your time to get up to iTunes to rate and review this show. Five stars helps out immensely in the scheme of what shows get noticed on that service. We’re also on Stitcher so you can thumbs up us there, or give us a big ol’ heart on SoundCloud… you get the idea.
If you’ve GOT some money to spare, even a little bit, we’d love your help in offsetting the costs of producing this show. There’s hosting fees, publicity costs, and gas for Studio F. We have a Donate button up on our homesite, http://SuccotashShow.com, which is the most direct way to get us some bucks. But you can also click on the Amazon banner at the top our page next time you do your online shopping and they’ll shave off a tiny bit of whatever you pay them and they’ll send it over to us in a drone. Or just buy a damn coffee mug off from our Succotashery with the show logo on it and we get a little bit from that, too.
Chillpak Hollywood Hour
YOUR friends in soundcasting, Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness, the hosts and podcast royalty over at The Chillpak Hollywood Hour, are celebrating 10 damn years in this odd business. In their recent show #520 – five hundred and twenty! – they not only mentioned me… 2) Marc Hershon mention …but they also each reflected back on each of their favorite ten moments during their decade of doing the show. (Also, I just reviewed this particular episode in the This Week in Comedy Podcasts column for Splitsider.com.)
The Anti Social Show
A couple of episodes ago we featured a clip from The Anti Social Show, which is hosted by our own Tyson Saner along with Hunter Block. They mentioned Succotash in the wake of that playage and, heck, anytime a show mentions us as thanks for clipping them, that’s a good enough reason to clip them mentioning us, right?
The Bernie Sanders Show
Soundcasting used to be the place where just comedians went to vent their spleens, sharpen their wits, and own their thoughts without worrying about bookings, hecklers, and other slings and arrows. But now everyone’s getting into the game, including presidential also-rans. The Bernie Sanders Show has joined the fray and it’s a great platform for Bernie to be…Bernie. One of his first episodes featured him talking with guest Bill Nye, as in Bill Nye, The Science Guy.
Teen Creeps
Tyson grabbed us a chunk of Teen Creeps, a soundcast by comedians Kelly Nugent and Linsay Katai. Their focus is Young Adult fiction and in recent epi24, from back in February, they had comedy writer/performer/TV director and soundcaster Alex Fernie as their guest to help them get into The Hardy Boys.
Crash On My Couch
Arden Rose and Will Darbyshire are a couple of YouTube darlings and 20-somethings with Crash On My Couch, a soundcast about conspiracy theories, other cultures, relationships, happiness — a virtual potpourri about slogging though life as a Millennial. For instance, could you have gotten through the next 24 hours without hearing about Pixar Easter eggs? Or the conspiracy theory that all Pixar movies exist within the same Universe? Me neither.
Casa Mirth
So you’re a comedy soundcaster and you’re saying to yourself, “Hey self! How the heck do I get a clip of my show up on that Succotash thingamabob?” Well, you can do what our friends Dr. Norman Trousers and River Zambezi did and use our direct upload link. They got us an MP3 clip by going to http://hightail.com/u/Succotash and got it right to us, along with this note: “Hey Marc! Thought it was about time we sent in a clip... Just a bit from season 4 episode 1 where River Zambezi and I were discussing the possibility of having a bit of a laugh at a local electrical retailers... all the best :)"
Guys We F****d
It’s hard enough to break through the glut of shows in Soundcastland, more today than ever, so one of these days I have to have Corinne Fisher and Kystyna Hutchinson on the show just so I can ask them why they titled their anti-slut shaming show Guys We Fucked. I mean the title makes sense and all BUT most places that distribute show – like iTunes – won’t let you spell out the word f****d. So while the title is attention-getting, even with the asterisks, it makes it hard to get the word out everywhere. But Corinne and Krystyna have a lot of listeners so maybe it’s working out just fine. This clip is from an episode from the end of March entitled, You Were The Queen of Impossible Crushes, and the ladies answer some listener email.
Center City Comedy
I’ve been hanging around the San Francisco and Los Angeles comedy scenes for, well, a long time now. I don’t get to the clubs very much these days so there’s a whole wave of comedians out there I don’t really know but one thing I do remember is that there is rarely a better time to be had than when you’re hanging out with a bunch of comics, shooting the shit and busting each other’s balls OR ovaries. Some of that spirit is captured every week on the Center City Comedy soundcast, where a passel of Philly comedy comrades — Derek Gaines, H. Foley, Kevin Ryan, Andrew Schiavone, Chris Cotton, and Dave Temple — who are now part of the New York scene, get together and kick stuff, and each other, around. This snippet that Tyson grabbed us is from their Epi166, with the memorable title “The Fatso, The Drunk, and The Wardrobe”.
Human Echoes
I know I keep yammering about how many soundcasts are out there with more coming online every week, but I’m amazed we’re still finding shows that have been on for years that we’re just now getting to share. Case in point: the Human Echoes soundcast with Tony Southcotte and Alan Berg. The have more than 200 episodes under their belts, where they toss around commentary on movies, genre fiction and, as they put it, “all things weird and wonderful”. In this chunk, it’s revealed that Tony has finally gotten around to seeing Jaws for the first time. (We also learn that Alan has never seen The Godfather.) So now they finally get a chance to talk about that shark movie.
Here are the lyrics to Trump, as performed by Not The Presidents Of The USA:
Trump sat alone on his flabby arse
Knowing his appointment to the Whitehouse was a farce
With policies that would sound bananas
He filled his cabinet with all his pet piranhas
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He's off his head
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
In Putin's bed
Trumps orange head ain't blessed with brains
And his policies all come across as quite insane
He'll stem the terror across the land
By keeping guns and making sure that all the muslims are banned
Knowing his appointment to the Whitehouse was a farce
With policies that would sound bananas
He filled his cabinet with all his pet piranhas
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He's off his head
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
In Putin's bed
Trumps orange head ain't blessed with brains
And his policies all come across as quite insane
He'll stem the terror across the land
By keeping guns and making sure that all the muslims are banned
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
His hands are small
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He'll build the wall
Trump'll take the healthcare you needed so much
He'll look you in the eye then grab you buy the crotch
He dreams of pissing on Russian sheets
Then getting drunk and filling twitter with moronic tweets
His hands are small
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He'll build the wall
Trump'll take the healthcare you needed so much
He'll look you in the eye then grab you buy the crotch
He dreams of pissing on Russian sheets
Then getting drunk and filling twitter with moronic tweets
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He never thinks
He never thinks
He's Trump, He's Trump, He's Trump
He'd bomb the chinks
Is this Trump out of his head
We think so
Is this Trump out of his head
We think so
Is this Trump out of his head
We think so
Is this Trump out of his head
That’s going to do it for epi151. Thanks for listening and supporting comedy podcasts everywhere, and don't forget to pass the Succotash!
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