If you are listening for the first time...then simply "Welcome." And glad you found us!
We're brought to you this time around by Henderson's Pants Toddler Trau, the stylish pants for those who have just learned to walk.
In this installment, I've got some interesting selections for you this episode. We've got clips from R U Talkin' R.E.M. RE: Me?, The Goon Cast, Unladylike, Food To Watch Films By, Pretending With Dice, and Unspooled.
We've also got a double dose of raging moderate comedian and social commentator Will Durst's Burst O' Durst segments...in fact, we're leading the show off with our first of two B.O.D.'s…
From the iTunes show description: Paul Scheer is a lifelong movie buff, but he's never seen many of the all time greats. On Unspooled, his team-up with film critic Amy Nicholson, he's remedying that by watching the AFI's top 100 movies of all time. On episode one, Paul and Amy jump straight into the AFIís number one film of all time, Citizen Kane. They explain why it was almost never released, take a closer listen to Orson Welles' innovative use of sound, and try to answer the big question: Is this really the best movie ever? Plus: an interview with a guest expert, cinematographer Steve Gainer, on why Citizen Kane looks so incredible.
Pretending With Dice
The iTunes Show Description: Tabletop Gaming/RPG Podcast, hosted by Adam Johnston. Playing various RPG systems in short story-arcs and one-shots. Expect comedy, some strong language, and a lot of fun! (Adam Johnston previously had a soundcast called Sup Dude that he co-hosted with Nathan Taylor, which ran for 5 years, and whose end was announced just over a year ago, via Twitter, on May 19th, 2017.)
His new Pretending With Dice has just began a new cycle of RPG goodness. Allow me to elucidate. Our clip is from Epi25, comprising an adventure entitled "Yavin Exodus". In the wake of their successful attack on the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance must evacuate their headquarters on the moon of Yavin IV, before Imperial reinforcements arrive. Alderaanian ex-smuggler Klyne is assigned to the flight crew of the freighter 'Close Encounter'. Kortez finds himself flying patrol with a talkative Sullustan, who tries his patience, and meanwhile, on Nubia, Ugnaught droid expert Thnock carries out a daring heist on an Imperial droid factory. Thrilling stuff!
What's going on in this soundcast? Hosts Cristen Conger and Caroline Ervin tackle questions through their trademark obsessive research, stories from rule-breakin' ladies and a solid dose of delightful feminist rage. This clip is from thier "How to Buy a Gun" episode, where they explore the fact that women overwhelmingly buy guns for self-defense, but statistics show guns escalate violence across the board. Cristen and Caroline talk with two firearms fans to find out how much that feeling of safety is worth — and what's at the root of women's fear.
R U Talkin' R.E.M. RE: ME?
Director Lance Bangs joins hosts Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman to discuss R.E.M.'s sixth studio album "Green". They get into talk about R.E.M.'s partial reunion in Portland, when Lance first heard of the band, and how Lance began to know the band and start collaborating with them. Plus, Scott and Scott tell us a little bit more about themselves on an episode of "Talkin' 'Bout Me."
Food To Watch Films By
Join hosts Johnny, Adam, and Pablo on their experiential voyage through the combination of food and films. (As it says on iTunes: "DISCLAIMER: Some foods suggested may not be safe for human consumption, or even legal for that matter. You have been warned...") IN their reality, the world was wiped out at the beginning of the year, apparently, and this clip comes from a "found footage-style episode" where the boys take us their their review of some films of 2018 that were - to them - never released. Movies in clude 'The Commuter', 'Mary Poppins Returns', and 'Day of the Dead: Bloodline'. Look, I don't explain the clips, I just play 'em.
The Goon Cast
A show featuring New York-based standup comics from around the city, The Goon Cast is hosted by Billy, Joe, and Jay Mac. They're joined in the episode we clipped by comic Jesse Eigner, and they cover a lot of topics - from Harry Potter and Jesse's new allergy, to New York politics and America's draft picks. Our snippet touches on just a fraction of it all.
And just like that, the show is done.
I hope you leave this listening experience with at least one new idea of where to listen next when you wish to get your audio fix. I'm off to rustle up some more clips from soundcasts Ive recently heard of, soundcasts Ive known of for a while, and soundcasts I have yet to discover. Maybe even something that's been featured before because...why not?
I'd greatly appreciate it if you might visit www.succotashshow.com or even www.tysonsaner.com if you've any interest in any of the other things I've created during this life. And, of course, I'd like to thank you for being here and if you have any interest in the continuation of this free soundcast I would most gratefully and gently urge you to please pass the Succotash.
— Tyson Saner
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